Reuse. Reuse. REUSE!!
First of all, let me say kudos to the many of us who have become conscious of our waste and the inevitable impact to our environment. When my husband and I first "saw the light" a few years ago, our initial instinct was to recycle more and steer our purchase towards items that could be recycled.
Fast forward to today and how things have changed! Now our mindset is to reuse whenever we can to avoid waste and reduce our consumer footprint. (Yeah we've been reading and picked up all these fancy terms!) Simply put, we reuse more so we buy less... and waste less. Therefore, we contribute less to the demand for all the mass produced items we have become so dependent on.
And every time I doubt that this mindset shift as consumers can change what we see on store shelves, I remember Blockbuster. Remember when we drove to the store to rent a movie? You don't see how Blockbuster's downfall is relevant? Think about it. Redbox, Netflix, Amazon et al. created a better way to watch movies at home. Many people stopped going to Blockbuster. Sure there were those who still preferred to go walk through the store and choose a movie... and buy over-priced snacks. But not enough consumers to keep them in business.
So why is it so far-fetched to think that if we had a convenient option to buy laundry detergent in bulk, enough people would stop buying detergent in plastic bottles and Tide would just go to Blockbuster land.